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Posted by: Steve Kimmel 4 months ago

Jan Williams

Jan Williams, the longtime executive director of the Youth Services Bureau of Huntington County, has announced her retirement in December.

Jan was first hired in January 1995 as the part-time executive director due to a lack of funding. At the time, the agency had two full time social workers and a part-time financial staffer and was located on the third floor of the old UB Building near the Huntington County Courthouse. Under Jan’s leadership, the agency has grown exponentially and offers programming in multiple counties in the region.

“We moved to our Warren Street location in late 1995, across from the gym entrance of what was then known as Central School,” Jan recalls. “The agency had several programs, including Safe Place/Host Home and Tools for School at that time. Based on the community’s needs, the agency quickly started adding programs, such as Teen Court, Students Out of School, Mentoring Moms and more.”

In 1997, Jon and Shelly Schenkel gifted the building that YSB is located in today, near the Huntington City Fire Station No. 3 and Drover Park.

“I think, looking back on my time with YSB – besides the great staff and board members I have had the pleasure to work with – I would have to say my biggest accomplishments have been through community partnerships,” Jan says. “Whether it was the implementation of the Transition Center in 1996, which was a partnership with DCS and HCCSC to start Huntington’s first alternative school, or the long history of helping maintain and guide the Empowering Humanities group, it all required teamwork. Furthermore, the agency has been instrumental in the implementation of the Teen Suicide Prevention Task Force, which is now known as H.O.P.E (Huntington Outreach for Prevention and Empowerment). The agency remains the leader in suicide prevention in Huntington County.”

Not only is Jan a leader in Huntington County, but her efforts have impacted countless others across the state.

“I have had the honor of working with various local groups, as well as regionally and state organizations as it relates to delinquency prevention, suicide prevention and youth/family advocacy issues. I am currently the chair of the Child Protection Team, LACE Treasurer, and facilitator for Empowering Humanities,” Jan says. “I am involved with Huntington, Wabash and Whitley counties JDAI (Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative). I am also on the board of directors for the Indiana Youth Services Association and am the chair of its membership committee.”

In 2022, YSB received a large Strengthening Youth Programming in Indiana grant for capital improvements and some program enhancements. In October, Jan received a Community Hero Award from Bowen Health for her decades of mental health advocacy on behalf of Hoosier youth.

“As I look forward to the next chapter of my life, I want to focus on enhancing partnerships, especially with the focus of suicide prevention,” Jan says. “I also plan to spend more time with my family, spoil the grandkids a little more and enjoy life.”

A retirement open house in Jan’s honor will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, December 18, at the Youth Services Bureau office, 1344 Maple Drive, Huntington.

“Jan’s focus on providing services for youth as they face life’s challenges is impressive,” YSB board president Charles Chapman said. “She has put YSB on a good path for the future.”