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Posted by: Steve Kimmel 4 months ago

The Youth Services Bureau of Huntington County (YSB) would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped make the Youth Services Bureau’s First Annual Style Show a huge success. First to HG Market on Vine, Ashlyn Kippert, Angie Garner and their team who worked with their models and provided the clothing displayed. To their wonderful models, Hailie Radtke, Trace Hinesley and Carla MacDonald.

To the Table Sponsors: Andy Eckert from Ness Bros. Realty & Auctioneers, Luann Carroll, Charlie Chapman, Michelle Crone, Andy Ellet, Angie Garcia, Marj Hiner, Carla MacDonald, Kelly Metzger and Jan Williams.

To the Food Sponsors: Bippus State Bank and Lake City Bank. Finally, to the many individuals and businesses who provided fantastic items for the Silent Auction.

There we 70 people in attendance in support of the agency and to learn more about the history and the programs offered by the YSB.

The YSB was humbled by the overwhelming support and words of encouragement. Please be looking for information on next year’s event which will be held in November.

The agency provides programs with the primary focus being prevention. This includes suicide prevention, substance abuse prevention, child abuse prevention and crisis intervention. The agency provides advocacy, community education and information and referrals. To learn more about the agency or to learn how you can support our mission visit the website at or email

Jan Williams
Executive Director
Youth Services Bureau of Huntington County