Summit Pain Management opens in Huntington
Posted by: Steve Kimmel 1 year ago

Shown in the photo above are several members of Summit Pain Management staff and Chamber Ambassadors as they celebrate with a Huntington County Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting on Wednesday, February 21. Shown on the front row, middle, and holding scissors is Dr. Jared Coffman and Jamie McMillen, CEO, Summit Pain Management in red. The Chamber congratulates Summit Pain Management for making Huntington home to your newest business venture.

Summit Pain Management held an official Huntington County Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting on Wednesday, February 21 celebrating their grand opening with an office in Huntington. The new office is located at 2855 Northpark Avenue, Suite 105 & 106. Dr. Jared Coffman is the physician on site.
Summit Pain Management says, “Pain is one of the most frequent complaints encountered by healthcare professionals. They have found that comprehensive and multidisciplinary care is the most successful approach to managing acute and chronic pain. All the healthcare professionals here at Summit Pain Management are dedicated to providing patients with the highest quality, focused care available to treat their condition,” said Jamie McMillen, CEO.
Summit Pain Management began in 2012. Summit Pain Management is a fully licensed chronic pain management facility and they comply with all State and Federal rules and regulations.
“Pain attacks the human body at every vulnerable target – muscles, bones and joints. More than one-quarter of Americans (26%) aged 20 years and over, or an estimated 76.5 million Americans report having problems that have persisted for more than 24 hours. This number does not account for acute pain,” says Summit Pain Management.
According to their website, “Summit Pain Management takes great pride in listening to the patient and take all the time necessary to hear about the patient’s problems and concerns related to their pain. Summit Pain Management then takes all the information available to create the most comprehensive program to control the pain. They work closely with numerous other specialists such as orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and addiction counseling specialists to get the patient back to a quality life that will allow them to function as normally as possible.” At Summit Pain Management, they know, “It’s your life. Your pain. Your choice.”
Summit Pain Management is located at 2855 Northpark Avenue, Suite 105 & 106 in Huntington. You can reach them by calling (260) 748-3650 or by visiting their Summit Pain Management Website or their Facebook page.
About: Steve Kimmel
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