Students to showcase designs December 8
Posted by: Steve Kimmel 1 year ago

Shown in the photo above are several third-year studio class students from Ball State University’s Department of Architecture as they present museum ideas to members of the Huntington County Historical Society board of directors.
The board for the Huntington County Historical Society has recognized the current museum is lacking space for exhibits and storage. The Society’s board is exploring options for a new museum. Several existing buildings in the Huntington area have been explored, but the board has decided to also consider building a completely new facility. In an effort to develop ideas for a new museum, the Society asked for help from the Ball State Department of Architecture.
Professor Tim Gray has assigned the Huntington Museum as a project for his third-year studio class. To launch this project 16 students visited Huntington County’s Museum in October. The class was divided into seven teams and work started on the student’s designs.
At the project’s halfway point eight members of the Historical Society’s board visited the class at Ball State University in Muncie. The Society’s board was impressed with the student’s ideas and had the chance to offer observations and suggestions. On December 8 the class will return to Huntington to reveal their final designs to the community.
The Huntington County Historical Society will host an open house to review the museum ideas with the community. The proposals will be on display from four to six on December 8 in the museum. Each team of students will be available to explain their approach for a new county museum in Huntington.
The Huntington County Museum is located at 315 Court Street.
About: Steve Kimmel
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