Ribbon cutting held at Silver Moon 3 Pub
Posted by: Steve Kimmel 2 years ago

The Huntington County Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for the new owners of the Silver Moon 3 Pub, located at 32 N. Jefferson Street on Saturday, February 11. The investor for the project is Ian Stallings, shown with the scissors ready to cut the ribbon. At Stallings right is Charisse Opie, and immediately behind Opie is Ian Hasselbacher, Pub managers. At the right end of the ribbon is City of Huntington Mayor Richard Strick. Also shown in the photo are several staff members of the Silver Moon 3 Pub, friends of the owners, Chamber Ambassadors and more. You can read more about the Silver Moon 3 Pub on Facebook or visit their website at Silver Moon 3 Pub.
The Huntington County Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting at the new Silver Moon 3 Pub on Saturday, February 11. Several staff members, friends, Chamber Ambassadors, Mayor Richard Strick and others attended and supported Ian Stallings, the investor in the project, celebrating the grand opening.
Silver Moon 3 Pub is operated by Ian Hasselbacher who has experience in bar and nightclub management. Joining him is his mother, Charisse Opie, head of the pub’s kitchen.
Hasselbacher created an approachable and elevated cocktail and mocktail menu using fresh, delicious ingredients while Opie created a fresh, seasonal café menu with light dishes.
“It’s important to note that our drink menu has options for people who don’t want to drink alcohol. We use ingredients that taste great with liquor or without,” Hasselbacher said.
Hasselbacher and Opie moved from California and call themselves, “new, proud Hoosiers.”
“We have been very humbled by, and grateful for the support we have received,” Hasselbacher said. “We’re excited to bring back a beloved space that is filled with many fond memories for people in the region. This is a neat opportunity.”
Silver Moon 3 Pub is located at 32 N. Jefferson Street in Huntington and is open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday, 11 a.m. to 12 a.m., Friday and Saturday and Noon to 8 p.m. on Sunday (featuring a special Sunday Night Roast, 5 to 8 p.m.). The Pub is closed Mondays and Tuesdays. The menu changes regularly with what is healthy, fresh and in season. For more information, call (260) 355-5422 or visit silvermoon3.com.
About: Steve Kimmel
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