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Posted by: Steve Kimmel 8 months ago

Lochmueller Group of Fort Wayne will be the sponsor of the 2024 Huntington County Chamber of Commerce’s A B.I.G. Day Golf Outing. The golf outing will be held on Wednesday, September 11 at Maple Grove Golf Course, 5961 W. Maple Grove Road, Huntington.

Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. with lunch being served starting at 11 a.m. The event will begin with a shotgun start at 12 noon.

To make things a bit easier for the golfers and the staff, the Chamber has bundled everything into one price to play in the outing this year. Each golfer will pay $125 per person, but this entry fee will include lunch, dinner, 18-holes of golf, cart, team skins, hacker sack, AR15 drive, putting green contest, free driving range and six beverages.

Golfers will not need to be concerned with bringing cash to the event as everything has been bundled into one price.

If you have questions about this year’s golf outing call the Chamber at (260) 356-5300. Those interested in joining the Chamber on the golf course can download the registration form below.