Posted by: Steve Kimmel 3 years ago
Pathfinder Kids Kampus received a $289,488 Build, Learn, Grow stabilization grant from the state and has invested that money into employee wage increases.
The grant was part of the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act and was designed to provide short-term funding to early child care and education programs that faced challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“These grant funds will be used to offset one calendar year of a $2.06 per hour wage increase for staff. High-quality childcare ensures that families in our community can work, as well as provide early learning experiences for children to prepare them for elementary school. Early Childhood Educator pay is one of the lowest in the teaching profession. This raise helps us pay our certified staff a livable wage to remain fully staffed to continue providing this much-needed service for the entire community,” said Elizabeth Hire, Kids Kampus director.
The Build, Learn, Grow Stabilization grant will allow for an increase in wages at Kids Kampus. The wage scale will start at $15 per hour and scale up based on certification and a college degree. Kids Kampus substitutes will begin at $12.50 per hour for non-certified employees.
“When we committed to becoming a more person-centered organization, we knew the focus had to include our employees, not just those we support. This grant lays the groundwork for focusing on our amazing Kids Kampus staff. Hire and her team are beyond dedicated to the children at Kids Kampus, and we are blessed to be able to use this grant to increase their wages,” said Danielle Tips, president and CEO of Pathfinder Services.
Kids Kampus is building, learning and growing, and for those looking to grow their career with our Kids Kampus family, there are positions available and now starting at a higher wage scale. To view the positions available, click here.
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