Huntington Trails Beer & Wine Festival, June 11
Posted by: Steve Kimmel 3 years ago

The Huntington Beer & Wine Festival is back this year and scheduled for Saturday, June 11. The festival will take place at the Huntington County Fairgrounds and First Merchants Heritage Hall, Hier’s Park, 631 E. Taylor Street.
Tickets for the Huntington Trails Beer & Wine Festival can be purchased at
The annual Huntington Trails Beer & Wine Festival is put on each year by Huntington Area Recreational Trails Association (HARTA). This is a wine, distilled spirits and beer tasting event featuring the products of many Indiana wineries, Artisan Distilleries and U.S. breweries. Music and food will be a part of the festival with local food trucks on hand offering plenty of food options available for purchase.
The board of HARTA invites you to sip your favorite wine, distilled beverage or brew and enjoy live music in a festive atmosphere. Mark it on your calendar, you will not want to miss this tasty summertime event!
Proceeds from the event will go toward development, maintenance and awareness of trails in Huntington County.
Sponsors are needed to help HARTA reach their goal of raising $20,000 for the event. The group is also seeking donations for the raffle. If interested contact Kelly Frank at (260) 355-5103.
Sampling Ticket includes: A souvenir wine glass and tasting program, sample selections at each winery and brewery table, opportunity to purchase bottles and glasses from your favorites, appetizers, live music, prize raffles and access to lots of great food vendors.
Designated Driver Ticket includes: Live music, prize raffles, non-alcoholic beverages and access to great food vendors.
Group Rate available for 25 or more!
Tickets: $25, Early Bird, on sale now, online only; $30 in advance, April 1 to June 10; $10 for designated driver; $35 at the gate the day of the festival.
Tickets may be purchased at: First Federal Savings Bank, Huntington locations; Bippus State Bank, Hauenstein Road and Roanoke branch and online via
Follow the event on Facebook via For complete details visit HARTA’s website at
About: Steve Kimmel
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