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Posted by: Steve Kimmel 9 months ago

Huntington University students and faculty continue to impress year after year in the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Festival of Media Arts. The list of 2024 award winners, officially recognized at the BEA2024 convention and awards presentation in April, includes a total of 23 awards for Huntington University students and faculty.

In conjunction with the Festival of Media Arts, the BEA released school rankings based on student achievements in the competition. The rankings evaluate “the quality and consistency of students’ creative works produced at one institution compared to those at other institutions,” according to the BEA, and are based on the past five years of competition results. Each of the seven competitions that are part of the Festival of Media Arts are ranked separately, in addition to an overall ranking.

Among the 95 schools included in the Top Winning Overall Programs list, Huntington University ranked sixth and Huntington University ranked thirteenth, respectively, once again demonstrating Forester excellence when stacked up against public schools with significantly higher enrollments. Additionally, Huntington University ranked second out of 36 schools in the Top Winning Film & Video Programs list, followed closely by Huntington University Arizona, ranked fourth.

“Once again we continue to place top of the nation with awards in animation, film and TV production, and being ranked number two in the nation for top film and video universities and colleges only further underscores that we have one of the most outstanding programs in the country,” said Dr. Lance Clark, dean of the School of the Arts at Huntington University. “I’m so impressed by the caliber of work coming from both our students and faculty.”

Huntington University’s award-winning Department of Digital Media Arts (DMA) opened its doors in Huntington, in 2005. The department’s inaugural year drew 10 eager students. Today DMA is one of the University’s largest departments on home campus, boasting more than 125 students during the 2023-2024 academic year and appealing to artists across the nation and around the world.