Hot Air Balloon Festival is Saturday
Posted by: Steve Kimmel 9 months ago

There is going to be plenty happening this Saturday, June 15, afternoon and evening at Huntington North High School during the Hot Air Balloon Festival. The festival will have nine balloons on the front lawn of the high school to include one you will be able to walk in, and another a shaped balloon. DJ Dick Smart of Smart Productions will be playing songs from the 50s, 60s and 70s and announcing from his booth. Plan to come out and enjoy a wonderful evening of fun for the entire family.
Included in the festival is the annual car and truck show sponsored by the Huntington County Disaster Team; Pulling for Riley, sponsored by Beacon Credit Union; the Kids Zone will have plenty of activities for the kids and will even include pony rides. The Kids Zone sponsors are Novae Corporation, EDF Renewables, Beacon Credit Union, Juergens Do-It Center, Christian Life Tabernacle, Casey’s General Store, Renewal by Andersen, ProFed Credit Union and the Huntington City-Township Public Library.
A Heritage Days Ice Cream Social will take place during the Hot Air Balloon Festival also at Huntington North High School. Sponsored by Parkview Huntington Hospital and Huntington Sheet Metal, the event will take place Saturday at 5 p.m. Those visiting the ice cream social will receive a free scoop of ice cream while enjoying the evening activities. Supplies are limited, serving from 5 p.m. until the ice cream is gone.
There will also be plenty of food available for the family. Food vendors will be on hand selling hamburgers, hot dogs, nachos, cotton candy, sno cones, lemon bars, watermelon bars, buckeye brownies, walking cucpcakes, cookies, brownies, chips, pop, water. Joy Pleaser Clowns will be making balloon designs and Truitt Law Office will be giving away 200 bike helmet to kids.
Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy the evening’s activities for the family. Bring the kids and cameras for a spectacular show of giant glowing aerostats.
About: Steve Kimmel
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