Heritage Days Car Shows, June 13, June 14
Posted by: Steve Kimmel 2 days ago

Two vehicle shows will be part of Heritage Days 2025, “A Heritage of Caring.” A downtown Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show, sponsored by MetroNet, will be held Friday evening, June 13 from 5 to 9 p.m. The Huntington County Disaster Team 20th Annual Car & Truck Show will be held Saturday, June 14 at Huntington North High School from 3 to 7 p.m.
The Friday evening vehicle show is being organized by Chris and Erin Covey of the Heritage Days steering committee of the Chamber of Commerce. The show is open to all cars, trucks, tractors and motorcycles with registration taking place by entering downtown at Jefferson Street and Park Drive, and registering at Jefferson and Washington Streets from 3 to 6:30 p.m. The vehicle entry fee is $10. Restaurants will be open and the Heritage Days carnival will be in operation.
Cars will enter downtown at Jefferson and Park Drive. Bikes will park on Market Street between Cherry and Jefferson Streets. Dash plaques and goody bags will be given to the first 75 vehicles registered. Awards will be given to the top 20, 1981 and older; top 20, 1982 and newer; also best paint, engine, car, motorcycle, truck and best of show. For information contact Chris or Erin Covey at (260) 418-8262. The entry form is available by clicking here or in the Chamber office, 305 Warren Street, and can be mailed to Chris Covey, 1993 Miami Trail, Huntington, IN 46750.
The Huntington County Disaster Team 20th Annual Car & Truck Show is being organized by Max Kaylor and his team of the Heritage Days steering committee. It will take place at Huntington North High School, 450 MacGahan Street, from 3 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 14. Registration will be from 2 to 5 p.m. with a $15 fee, entering from MacGahan Street. No spots will be reserved.
The proceeds from the show benefit the Huntington County Disaster Team. It receives no federal, state or government funding. All funding is private or raised by members of the Disaster Team through car shows and other events.
Awards will be presented at 7 p.m. with 20 each in the Pre-1990 Category and the 1991- Present Category. DJ Rick Smart of Smart Productions will provide music during the show. For more information contact Max Kaylor (260) 224-3535. The form is available by clicking here or by visiting the Chamber office, 305 Warren Street. Checks and pre-registration forms can be mailed to Huntington County Disaster Team, 829 Oak Street, Huntington, IN 46750.ovey, 1993 Miami Trail, Huntington, IN 46750.
Kaylor and the Huntington County Disaster Team will man the car show at Huntington North while the Kids Zone, Hot Air Balloon Festival, food vendors and more will also be located at the high school. The Kids Zone will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. and include many free fun activities including bounce houses, pony rides and more.
About: Steve Kimmel
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