Health Emporium expands with new owners
Posted by: Steve Kimmel 3 years ago

The Health Food Emporium became The Health Emporium & Artisan Boutique in late 2021. Located at 1203 S. Jefferson Street, the business was owned by Doug and Ruby Gerber since 1989. The couple’s daughter, Abby Moser, with the help of her husband Dan, purchased the health business and added a new dimension, a wide-array of fair-trade items.
The Moser’s are continuing the tradition of providing the area with items for health related needs. A variety of supplements including herbs, vitamins and minerals line the shelves of the Emporium. Oils, teas, coffees, beauty items and more are also available. Nature’s Sunshine, Solaray, NOW, Nature’s Way, CuraMed, CBD options, Super Silica, extracts and many more are part of the inventory.
With the change of ownership came the addition of the Artisan Boutique within the store. A wide selection of fair trade goods include items from India, Nepal, Haiti and beyond. The Moser’s believe that fair trade items help fight poverty and empower women around the world. When looking for a gift, the large selection of these items are on hand in the Artisan Boutique for purchase.
According to their Facebook page, “Fair Trade empowers women, sends girls to school, and transforms communities. When you use your purchasing power to shop Fair Trade, you create a chain of goodness around the world. – Fair Trade Federation”
Several different makers are included in the handcrafted items found in the Artisan Boutique including Ten Thousand Villages, a global maker-to-market movement that ignites social change in developing countries helping families and communities to thrive through strong relationships, fair wages, safe working conditions and sustainable practices. Stuffed animals, jewelry, cloth purses, baskets, candles and more are made by those that are a part of the Ten Thousand Villages program.
Centre Lumiere is an additional entity that exists to educate, equip, disciple and inspire young Haitian women toward personal development and economic independence. Many of the embroidered, crocheted and sewn items that line the Artisan Boutique shelves are distributed by Centre Lumiere. World Finds Ethical Style helps artisans and their families in India, and their products are also sold in this addition to the Health Emporium.
Thistle Farms helps heal, empower and employ women survivors of trafficking, prostitution and addiction. Thistle Farms brochure states, “Thistles grow on the street and alleys where the women of Thistle Farms have walked. Considered weeds by many, thistles have a deep root that can shoot through concrete and survive drought. The resilience, vibrancy and healing qualities of the thistle parallel the survival and flourishing of women survivors.” Products produced from this ministry are also available.
The Health Emporium & Artisan Boutique has a knowledgeable staff that can be reached at (260) 356-2030. Visit the website at or on Facebook here. Store hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For a virtual tour of the Health Emporium & Artisan Boutique visit the Chamber’s Facebook page here.
About: Steve Kimmel
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