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Posted by: Steve Kimmel 2 months ago

On behalf of the City of Huntington engineering office, the City wants to make everyone aware of upcoming construction taking place in downtown Huntington.

As part of ongoing Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP) construction, an Atlas crew will be working in the intersection of Market and Jefferson Streets beginning on or as soon as Monday, January 6. An underground structure that helps monitor and control combined sewer overflows needs to be replaced due to age. It’s an important piece of the overall project that will help Huntington meet its state and federal obligations under the LTCP.

Timeline: Look for construction to last for approximately two weeks. However, the exact start date and project length are subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen conditions.

Work Details: To replace the structure, crews will need to excavate about 12 to 14 feet underneath the Market and Jefferson Street intersection. Please remind employees and customers to keep a safe distance. Construction will be covered and contained nightly for safety reasons.

All construction will be within the intersection itself, with public access up to the intersection from Jefferson Street and both directions on Market Street.

Cherry Street via Park Drive or Washington Street will serve as the primary detour route.

Impact: The City is coordinating with Atlas to minimize disruptions as much as possible. The City also recognize that this project, while necessary, will likely cause some headaches for the downtown businesses. The City appreciates your patience and understanding.

Most parking will be unaffected, but parallel parking will be closed for two blocks from Washington to Franklin Streets. This will allow enough room on these two blocks for limited two-way traffic so customers can park on the east side of Jefferson and, when they are done, exit back in the same direction they came from. Please see the map above and contact the Engineering Director Adam Cuttriss if you have any questions.