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Posted by: Steve Kimmel 5 months ago

Downtown Huntington will begin to look a lot like Christmas on Saturday, November 30 when Christmas in the City is celebrated. From 3 to 5:30 p.m., children along with their families are invited to enjoy horse-drawn wagon rides by Sentimental Journey, games, photos around the community, live reindeer and alpaca, a visit with Santa at the Courthouse, a Christmas tree lighting at Rotary Centennial Park and much more.

Be sure to mark your calendars for this year’s Christmas in the City event. All activities are free to those who attend. The opportunities for fun will be located in various places throughout the downtown area. Downtown stores and restaurants will also be open.

The Huntington County Historical Museum, 315 Court Street, will feature a Peanuts Characters and Christmas cookie decorating from 1 to 3 p.m. Bring the kids and have their photos taken with Snoopy. Those in attendance can then follow the fun by attending all the Christmas in the City activities beginning in the downtown area at 3 p.m.

Visits with Santa will take place in the beautifully decorated Courthouse rotunda from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Children can tell their Christmas wishes to Santa and photos will be taken at no charge by Frederick’s Photography. Those visiting Santa are encouraged to come early to ensure that there is time to get their picture taken.

The Huntington Arts and Entrepreneurial Center, (HAEC) Franklin Street (across from the Courthouse), will help children create Christmas ornaments while stories are read from Olaf’s Night Before Christmas book, sponsored by Beacon Credit Union. The small Christmas ornaments painted for free can be taken home that day.

“Letters to Santa” can be written and dropped off in a mail box located at the Meal Ministry. After the event, letters can be dropped off at the Huntington City-Township Public Library. The letters can be pre-written and brought along from home or written in the Meal Ministry. Letters can also be mailed to City Services, 634 Webster Street, Huntington, IN 46750 or emailed to Megan Thompson at the City of Huntington at by December 13. All letters will receive an answer from “Santa” and parents are asked to make sure a name and address accompanies the child’s letter for it to be answered.

The Indiana Family Care Center will offer children’s games in the first block of downtown on Jefferson Street. Games include Football Toss, Snowman Bowling, Bean Bag Toss, Jenga and Connect Four. The lollipop Christmas tree will be a favorite delight for children to ‘pluck’ a treat from, and a pony will visit with those who come by.

Tim Hadaway will once again have his pony in attendance to give children rides on his small wagon that is pulled behind the pony. Across the street at Bend the Trend Boutique & Décor, visits with Cindy Lou Who will delight visitors to the store. Bend the Trend will have specials throughout the store during the day.

Face painting will be provided by the 5th Parlour, 442 N. Jefferson Street, and at the Brick House Grill’s building located at the corner of N. Jefferson and Washington Streets.

The Brick House Grill, 19 W. Washington Street, will be the place to board the horse-drawn wagon sponsored by Public Service Credit Union for a ride around downtown. Boy Scout Troop #130 will have a fire pit located downtown where children can roast marshmallows.

Kids can participate in “Nightmare Before Christmas” at the Bear & Beak Bakery, 37 E. Washington Street.

Families will be able to visit with Mrs. Claus and some elves at the Party Shop, 413 N. Jefferson Street, while visiting with Santa and participating in all the activities downtown during the day.

The Meal Ministry, in the third block of downtown, will serve hot chocolate, by the Meal Ministry, and cookies by the Brick House Grill, inside. Buddy the Elf and Jovie will greet children at Little Sweets Spot candy store, 315 N. Jefferson Street.

The third block of downtown will feature live reindeer and an alpaca. Train rides sponsored by Lake City Bank will also be available in the third block of downtown again this year. Those interested in riding the train will board in front of Smith Furniture.

Cutouts of various characters familiar to children and Santa’s Sleigh will be located throughout downtown for photo opportunities. Santa’s Sleigh will be located in front of the Courthouse for photo opportunities.

Free popcorn will be provided at the Huntington Arts and Entrepreneurial Center and will be served by the Faith Community Church Youth Group. Huntington Theatre Act II will provide carolers and will sing Christmas carols around the community during the event.

New to this year’s event will include the Twelve Days of Christmas Contest, sponsored by the Huntington Lions Club. Artists will paint Christmas themes on the twelve different windows at the former City Annex downtown (corner of Jefferson and Market Streets). Chamber Bucks supplied by the Huntington County Chamber of Commerce will be presented to the Mayor’s Choice, People’s Choice and the Best Theme Window.

There will be many “princess things” also happening around downtown Huntington to include Belle and Prince Charming along with Elsa and Anna outside the HAEC.

The grand finale will feature a HARTA bicyclists’ light parade and Santa and Mrs. Claus arriving on a fire truck at Rotary Centennial Park at 5:50 p.m. for a 6 p.m. Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The Christmas tree lighting promises to be a spectacular light display accented by musical entertainment. Glow sticks will be distributed by the Huntington County Chamber of Commerce.

Make special Christmas memories and celebrate together as a family in downtown Huntington for Christmas in the City. It promises to be a wonderful time of joy and celebration for all!