Posted by: Steve Kimmel 1 year ago
The Northeast Indiana Regional Early Childhood Coalition has teamed up with national consulting firm, Thomas P. Miller & Associates (TPMA), to conduct a study about early childcare in the region, gauging not just the impact of early childcare on children and parents, but researching strategies and approaches to provide meaningful solutions to the challenges you may face.
As part of this follow up study, we would like to hear from you on the challenges and possible solutions childcare access presents to you and your family. This survey is meant to gather information about your access to early childcare, the quality of the services available and the financial burden childcare may place on your family.
We know that your time is valuable and if you participate in this survey, you will be entered into a drawing among other survey respondents to win a $100 Amazon gift card. The survey should take no more and 10 minutes of your time and your response information will remain confidential. As an independent, contracted research firm, TPMA will not share parent information or individual data with any school district, childcare provider, or any other group or organization. Your anonymity is guaranteed, and your candor greatly appreciated.
Please complete the survey by the end of the day, Wednesday, October 4. You can scan the QR code above or click on the survey link. If you have any questions, please contact Katy Battafarano at
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