Chamber launches a new website this week
Posted by: Steve Kimmel 3 years ago
The Huntington County Chamber of Commerce launched its new website this week. The new website is still located at
The website is now more mobile friendly and much faster than the previous site. With all new software updates included, the site is much more robust and includes an SSL certificate to keep the site more secure.
New to the website are Welcome to Huntington County, Living in Huntington County, Become a Member, We’re Hiring, Chamber Bucks and a Relocating to Huntington County sections for those looking for information when planning to move to Huntington County.
Also featured is a new Events Calendar. The calendar is updated daily, and features activities and events from all of Huntington County to include Andrews, Markle, Roanoke, Warren and Huntington. Simply toggle through the events, and keep up on all the activities of the county. If you are interested in attending one of our events and would like a reminder, click on the event you are interested in attending, click ‘set a reminder’ and fill in the email you want the message sent to and how many days in advance.
The new site has an enhanced Business Directory section categorized by the type of business. The directory includes the Chamber member’s business name, address, phone number and a link to the business’s website and Facebook page. The site also includes information on the member’s business, hours of operation, if provided, and a Google map showing the location of the business.
The Blog Posts will still include all the news of local businesses that want to promote their important information.
Those wanting to place a help wanted ad, promote an event at their business or one in which they are helping, can submit the information as a Chamber member, or send it to the Chamber and we can submit it for you.
The Chamber offers businesses a chance to advertise their products and services through our cost-effective advertising rates. If you would like information about advertising with the Chamber, send an email to
Please take some time and check out the Chamber’s new website, and we believe you will like what you see. The Chamber has more information on the site that is too extensive to mention here.
About: Steve Kimmel
Take Your Business to the Next Level
Call the Chamber and see how we can help you take your business to the next level. You can become an Ambassador, volunteer for our golf outing, attend one of our networking group meetings and more. Keep this site close by for all the happenings in Huntington County.