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Posted by: Steve Kimmel 1 year ago

Shown in the above photo, from left, are Debbie Hersey and Jennie Wilson, By the Book; Karen Humbarger, president, By the Book; Matt Lemar and Erika Lemar, Union Church, presenting the proceeds to By the Book from the annual fish fry; Stephanie Thompson, education director, By the Book; Deneen Fusselman, Judy Lee and Paula Kimmel, all from By the Book. 

Union Church, led by Matt and Erika Lemar, organized and worked the annual fish fry fundraiser for By the Book. Incorporated on June 20, 1945, the program provides students in third, fourth and fifth grades in the Huntington County Community Schools with religious education classes in Bible trailers off of school property with parental permission.

The fish fry generated $17,641.07 for the program. The funds support materials for students in the program including Bibles and devotionals.