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Posted by: Steve Kimmel 1 year ago

The early Methodists were considered the first Protestant group to be established in Huntington. They first met in the home of Anderson Leverton in 1836. Interdenominational preachers began leading religious followers in Huntington in a log house used as the courthouse around 1839. One year later, a specifically Methodist class was organized, and the first Methodist building was built in 1846 on the northwest corner of Matilda Street (now Park Drive), at Poplar.

The group then shared their early building with Presbyterians until the congregation became so large that they separated. The Methodist congregation of that day purchased a lot on Franklin Street north on October 3, 1866 for a new building. It was dedicated January 26, 1868 and in 1885, $320 was raised to purchase a bell.

The third Methodist location was dedicated on August 11, 1889 at the corner of Guilford and Market Streets. The building that stands at this location today is the fourth, and the nearby parsonage (now Place of Grace) were dedicated February 14, 1915 with William F. Smith, pastor. The chimes that still ring today were established in the belfry of the church on December 19, 1914, a gift of Mrs. Emma Taylor, long-time Trinity member, (husband Enos Taylor was the founder of Citizens Bank in early Huntington, which later became Community State, with his former family home now McElhaney-Hart Funeral Home). Fred Mahoney, the chimes’ first caretaker played them for some 30 years, followed by Mrs. Alice Plasterer Stickler who began playing the chimes in 1942 and continued for many years.

The Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren Churches merged and became the United Methodist Church on April 23, 1968. Shortly after this, the word Trinity was added to the name and the church officially became Trinity United Methodist Church. Additional offices and Ball Lounge were added in the 1970s. Trinity’s Preschool facilities opened their first classes in 1987.

The Huntington Evangelical Church at 1000 Flaxmill Road, a United Methodist congregation, had its beginnings also as a result of a merger. The church was established in February 1875 as the First United Brethren Church at 246 E. Franklin Street. The first pioneer in this congregation was George Whitestine with the first pastor being George Sickafoose. The merger of the denominations in 1946 led to the name change to Evangelical United Methodist Church. Chris Lantz is the current pastor. The church, along with regular services and Sunday school, operates Son Grown Preschool, and currently hosts the Huntington County Chamber of Commerce Farmers’ Markets on Wednesday afternoons throughout the summer months.

Bethel Riverside Church at the corner of Riverside Drive and Allen Streets also had its beginnings as a Methodist organization in 1882. The current pastor is Rick Borgman, and regular services and Sunday school also take place there.